Note: the "me" in this is actually a friend of mine.
I first met Georg Listing at a mutual friend’s party. I was studying paralegal law and a friend from the course was big into music and knew Georg through the music business We seemed to get along straight away and ended up dancing. He wasn’t exactly the best dancer, a bit awkward but willing to give it a go. We had lots of fun and I thought he was kind of cute but with the buzz of the party and alcohol I didn’t read into things too much, though I did agree to swap numbers at the end of the night, not expecting to hear from him though.
The next morning (or should I say, afternoon) I dragged myself out of bed and straight to the kettle. Luckily it was a Friday so I had no classes. Sitting down with a cup of tea, I checked my phone and was surprised to find a message from Georg asking if I wanted to meet for coffee. I thought why not, so I replied and said I’d meet him at Starbucks at two.
I quickly got ready, throwing on jeans, a purple t shirt, black cardigan and just some blusher and lip gloss. When I arrived at Starbucks, I saw Georg was already sitting at a table with a coffee. He hadn’t spotted me yet, which was lucky as I had stopped and gasped. Without drink and in the daylight, I could see how breathtaking he actually was. With straight shoulder length brown hair and perfect features, he wore jeans, a black band t shirt and white sneakers.
He looked up then and smiled, and he was even more beautiful, as the smile reached his eyes and is whole face lit up. I waved, self consciously, and walked towards him and took a seat. He asked what I would like and insisted on getting and paying for it for me. We got to chatting then, and although I had butterflies in my stomach the whole time, we got on very well.
I told him all about my studies, and he in turn told me about his band, for which he played bass. He promised to get me a demo to listen to. I then told him about my favourite type of music, kpop, he didn’t know too much about it so I also promised to make him up a cd. He seemed genuinely interested in both my studies and taste in music. He was lovely, and I couldn’t believe he was interested in anything I had to say.
You see, I have always had to deal with depression and loneliness. I had been alone a long time now. I had low self confidence also. Yet here was this gorgeous, talented man taking an interest in me. It was awesome, but I was sure he just wanted to be friends. That was ok with me, although of course I would have loved more. He invited me to his gig the next night and I agreed to go.
So, the following night I dressed in a simple black dress, with some jewellery and make up. I arrived at The Sugar Club right on time and ordered a drink. I took a seat and a few minutes later, Georg’s band, Tokio Hotel, were announced. They were pretty good. Georg spotted me in the crowd and waved. I felt so honoured, knowing a member of the band. Afterwards he came to sit with me, introduced me to the rest of the band, and we had another dance!
We continued to meet up over the next few weeks, in coffee shops or each other’s apartments, and each time I met him I fell more deeply for him. I felt so lonely, as he was so near yet so far. I longed to tell him how I felt but I thought there was no point as he would never be interested in me in that way. And so I lived on in torture, from meeting to meeting.
One night I was at home studying for a test, when there was a knock on the door. I went to answer it and was surprised to see Georg standing there. He looked a bit upset. I invited him in and made him a drink, the sat down beside him and asked if everything was ok. He turned to me and said “I’m so lonely.”
“I know” I said, and next thing I knew we were kissing and my hands were running through his hair, and his hands were stroking my face. I couldn’t believe it. I was still sure he was just lonely and this didn’t mean anything, so I made the most of it.
Then he pulled away and said “I love you. I always have.” I nearly died but managed to stay calm and tell him that I loved him too. We kissed again, then he got down on one knee, holding my hand and asked if I would be his girlfriend. Of course I said a bit yes and we have been together ever since. It’s hard sometimes when he’s away with his band but we skype every day and we are going strong. I’ve never been so happy!
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